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And now the Patent Trolls are coming after those trying to test for Corona Virus.

And now the Patent Trolls are coming after those trying to test for Corona Virus.

So I was just interviewed on Patent Trolling on the Jordan Harbinger show.. here’s the link:
.. and I was wondering if my information was still timely and relevant,
AAAAANNDDDD then we got the Corona Virus and a Patent Troll sued someone for making a test for it:
The patent was acquired from (sigh) disgraced bankrupt company THERANOS and sold to (sigh) an INVESTMENT GROUP called FORTRESS INVESTMENT.
So the patent went from a bankrupt company based on fraud to an investment group that makes its’ money from filing patent lawsuits.
The only company actually making anything useful is of course the company getting sued.
So situation-normal in the Patent world.
Xavion Pitot-Static / GPS / Cabin Altitude fallbacks
February 2, 2020
Suing South Carolina
December 17, 2020